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THE MAGAZINE FOR THE NARROW GAUGE RAILWAYS ENTHUSIAST INTERNATIONAL 1915, the French Creating a cliff Army issues its orders materials and knacks   in 0, H0 or N H012 Olot – Girona, an impressive Spanish layout A rural tramway in the1960s Shunting in1/35 scale on Mijn Stuthout Billard D type locotractor Front view T 100 Billard T 100Vincent D type VOIE LIBRE # 81 – CENTRAL FOLDER Lepais, 1/10 scale Drawin g Vincen locotr Drawing t Lepais , 1/20 scale actor rear view DER L FOL CENTRA Pingue ly 0-6-0 Elie Mandr T, type 245 illon collect ion, scale # 81 – 1/43,5 RE VOIE LIB Partial right -hand elevation Left-hand eLevation Free folder of drawings: Billard T 100 D, Pinguely 0-6-0 T # 81 – APRIL – MAY – JUNE 2015 www.voielibre.com QUARTERLY. Price of issue: 8,30 €